ok..where should i start. result kali ini dpt diagak tapi still quite suprising n alhamdulillah segala syukur saya hadapkan kepada Allah. yap, saya akui kali ini saya dah memulakan 2nd on a sour note (in terms of results), but like people always say, there's always another chance. cuma kadang2 kita ni selalu take things for granted.
"alah, baru 1st block. lepak la. ade 3 block lagi"
"chill la bero, block ni kite pulun abis2"
"xde rezeki kot"
so, time block 1 exam yang lepas saya agak kurang bernasib baik sbb time study break tu saya kena demam panas. and to make things worse, ahad before exam kena diarrhea pulak. T_T not a good start for an exam. so i end up being dead malam tu n berperang dengan diri sendiri menahan pening demam untuk belajar malam before patho paper. so pagi exam patho ditempuhi dengan mata panda/racoon/apa2 haiwan yg berkenaan dan jugak demam & perut yg memulas2. memang dalam hati ingat abislah aku paper ni. in the end i survived the whole day n seperti yang dijangka, saya pengsan lagi malam tu. the next day still demam xde gaya macam nak surut, so terpaksa jugak gagahkan diri nk baca notes microbe sbb its better untuk baca walaupun tau x abis n x larat rather than putus harapan/pasrah. same case jugak for the microbe exam, mata panda dan demam but this time alhamdulillah diarrhea dh elok.
the last paper pharmacology, alhamdulillah demam dh elok sikit, so dapat utilise full day untuk study pharmac. i admit i'm weak in remembering stuffs, tambah2 lagi nama2 ubat yg nama2 diorg x ubah macam nama2 saudara encik DIMITAR IVANOV BERBATOV belako. nak spell nama ubat dh cukup susah, apa lagi nk mix n match them with their functions. but to my suprise, i did fairly well for pharmac (walaupun x lulus jugak) considering ilmu yg ada dalam kepala time tu mungkin layak untuk dapat 30 marks jek. T_T
and for forensics, actually dh post pasal that paper before, so i'll leave it this time. the only subjek yg lulus. there's a bright light amidst of darkness i've gone through untuk 3 previous subjects.
so looking through results, saya rasa bersyukur even x pass 3 subs, sbb dhla sakit the whole exam, memang saya expect this time i would fail miserably but alhamdulillah, i didn't. so this should be a wake up call for me just like how it was back during form 3. :D insyaallah, next time, with better effort, n better health (aminnn ya Allah) i should get up n get better results than this.
kepada kawan2 yg lain, yg star2 tu congrats, n kpd yg x berapa bernasib baik (jgn ckp xde rezeki, itu macam menyalahkan Allah jek x kasi kita lulus padahal apalah yg kita tahu tentang perancangan Allah utk kita :) ) lets get back on track n succeed!
5 days ago
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